Sunday, February 28, 2016

Some ways to be a better man

You may be a great guy and have good intentions, but until you become the man that you know you can and should be, people won’t rush to show you more respect.

This is a subject that I know a lot about because it is something I went through myself. I went from being a man who was overlooked for promotions at work, rejected by women and ignored by friends to a man who is running his own successful business for the last nine years and yes, even the ladies have noticed  Along the way, I have learned a lot about what it takes to be more respected as a man

Don’t Crumble Under Pressure

One of the things that I learned as a leader in the corporate world was that there are always times when situations become challenging and overwhelming. During those times, most people get emotional, feel stressed out, worry, panic, argue and generally crumble under the pressure. However, the true leaders and those who are the most respected by others are the ones who, no matter how much chaos is going on around them, can still say, “Okay, this is the situation and this is what we’re going to do about it” or, “Okay, this is the situation and this is what I am going to do about it.”

They remain strong, clear-headed and don’t crumble under pressure. They see a situation for what it is and work on ways to improve, correct or fix it. People naturally respect, admire and look up to those who can remain strong under pressure. So the more than you can avoid crumbling under pressure in any situation, the more respected you will be as a man.
Give, But Also Expect Respect in Return

Selfish men don’t win the respect of other people; most people secretly hate those who are selfish or self-centered. However, many people also dislike those who give way too generous and allow themselves be taken advantage of. You should definitely be a giving man; you should help, you should support and you should try to help others succeed and achieve, but you should also expect respect in return.

If you are offering tremendous value in a work environment, then ask for a raise or to be considered for a higher position. If you are a great friend, expect and even demand that your friends show you respect and behave nicely towards you. Expect the respect. Don’t give continuously and think that everyone will love you for it. That isn’t the way human psychology works. People respect those who assume positions of respect, while also being good to those who are showing them respect. A classic example is the parent/child relationship: If a mother and father treat their child badly and demand respect, the child will usually be unwilling to give it. However, if the mother and father treat the child well and also expect respect, the child will usually give it.

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